Thaareekhee nazarakun Fuahmoloh

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ތާރީޚީ ނަޒަރަކުން ފުއައްމޮލޮއް, މިފޮތަކީ ފުވައްމުލަކުގެ ތާރީޚާއި އާދަކާދަތަކާއި ރަށްބިނާވެފައިވާގޮތާއި އަވަށް އަވަށާއި ރަށުގެ ވެރިކަމާއި ކުރިއެރުންތަކާއި އަދިވެސް މުހިއްމު އެތައް ކަމެއްގެ މައްޗަށް އަލްފާޟިލް އަދުނާނު އިބްރާހިމް ދީދީ ލިޔުއްވާފައިވާ ތަފްސީލީ ފޮތެކެވެ

"Fuahmoloh from a historical perspective" is a very well articulated book explaining the Fuvahmulah geographical formation and her wards, the demography and her inhabitants, the conversion into Islam, the local tradition and her unique culture, the governance and her civilization with the recent developments of the island city is a thirst to read by Adnan Ibrahim Didi, a well known senior citizen from Fuvahmulah.

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