
33 sold
SEK 98.65
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Bunebala is the 2-in1 Dhivehi language version of the famous games Charades and Pictionary. Includes: Cards, 2 dice, sand timer, marker and whiteboard.

ބުނެބަލަ އަކީ އިޝާރާތުންނާއި ކުރެހުމުން ބަސް ސިފަކުރަންޖެހޭ މަޖާ ކުޅިވަރެއް. ފޮށީގައި ހިމެނެނީ ކާޑުބައި، ކޮޑި، ދަންފުޅި، ވައިޓްބޯޑު އަދި މާކަރު

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167 g

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